Who do I use for an intuitive Coach?
I wanted to take a moment to give a testimonial about one of my favorite people. She is truly someone I would call family. Marisa Anderson is an intuitive coach/consultant I have known for about 20 years. This woman is one of the most talented psychics I have ever worked with.
She now plays a role in my life of helping me to trust my Higher Self. Even the Transformational Coaches need a coach too! Sometimes intellect can be both a blessing and a hindrance and so I've used Marisa over the past few years to help me confirm what is truly coming from my Higher Self (awareness) and what is coming from Lower Self (ego).
Typically I'll write in a journal what is coming from Higher Self and answer questions I might have. Many times I have written down the answer to something that my mind just doesn't want to accept the truth about, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. In all cases, Marisa has always confirmed the information I get from my Higher Self.
She now plays a role in my life of helping me to trust my Higher Self. Even the Transformational Coaches need a coach too! Sometimes intellect can be both a blessing and a hindrance and so I've used Marisa over the past few years to help me confirm what is truly coming from my Higher Self (awareness) and what is coming from Lower Self (ego).
Typically I'll write in a journal what is coming from Higher Self and answer questions I might have. Many times I have written down the answer to something that my mind just doesn't want to accept the truth about, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. In all cases, Marisa has always confirmed the information I get from my Higher Self.
Marisa is not your ordinary psychic, she calls herself an intuitive consultant and has provided her services to large corporations, police agencies, and government agencies. She has predicted events such as 9/11, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, and the downing of Flight 800. She also appears in the book, At Graves End, A True Ghost Story, a true story about a haunted house that Marisa comes in and cleans up just like something out of a Poltergeist movie; remember the part in the movie when the psychic says "this house is clean", yeah, that's Marisa.
What has Marisa predicted for me?
Back in the early 2000s, I used Marisa while working in the corporate world. I had her on retainer. One particular time there was a rumor that some layoffs were coming and she accurately predicted that yes the rumor was true and even gave me two names of two people I knew that would be affected by it.
On another occasion, a female co-worker of mine who had been hearing the stories of how amazing she was wanted to speak with her for a few minutes so before I handed the phone to her, I asked Marisa to say something to freak her out (all in good fun of course). As soon as I handed the phone over, my co-worker's face turned white. Marisa told her that she loved her pink blouse (she's a highly gifted remote viewer).
On another occasion, a female co-worker of mine who had been hearing the stories of how amazing she was wanted to speak with her for a few minutes so before I handed the phone to her, I asked Marisa to say something to freak her out (all in good fun of course). As soon as I handed the phone over, my co-worker's face turned white. Marisa told her that she loved her pink blouse (she's a highly gifted remote viewer).
Intuitive Consultant Marisa Anderson - Edge of the Rabbit Hole |
Lastly, Marisa once warned me not to go to a party of women I was interested in. Not only did she feel that the woman was not trustworthy but she told me that she felt something dark was going to happen at the party and she did not want me to go. Being a stubborn young man back then, I did not listen and ended up getting roofied by a potential jealous lover of the women I was interested in who was not supposed to be at the party but showed up. This was surely a dark moment in my life and now I listen when she gives warnings.
Marisa Anderson Demonstrating Telekinesis |
Schedule a Consultation with Marisa
Marisa has a loving heart and has also been a guardian angel for me and now you can take advantage too. I talked her into giving anyone in my group half off their FIRST session. Trust me, this was no easy feat, she knows her value. Sessions are normally $400 an hour. Now your first session is $200 for an hour and $50 each 15 min after that.
Let her know beforehand if you have a hard stop or a budget but for your first session, I would recommend at least 90 min and you can discuss that with her when you call her. To book a session, contact her at (845) 670-7052. You can use her contact form or email her at [email protected]. Her website: www.MarisaAnderson.com
Please let her know you found her through Matthew Marnitz to receive the discount and pay ahead here
Let her know beforehand if you have a hard stop or a budget but for your first session, I would recommend at least 90 min and you can discuss that with her when you call her. To book a session, contact her at (845) 670-7052. You can use her contact form or email her at [email protected]. Her website: www.MarisaAnderson.com
Please let her know you found her through Matthew Marnitz to receive the discount and pay ahead here