Unconscious Telepathic Communication
Telepathic communication happens all the time but most of our waking day is spent in an unconscious zombie like waking state. We are either unaware of it when it happens or are convinced by our egos (belief systems) that we said something when we didn't because that is "the only logical explanation", right?
On a recent trip to Chipotle for lunch I experienced a telepathic moment with the server behind the glass sneeze-guard. When ordering, the guy behind the counter got distracted right before he was getting ready to dip the spoon into the beans. I was just about ready to tell him that I wanted both black AND pinto beans which is not necessarily unusual but it is not the more common choice either. After doing the other task that distracted him from finishing my order he came back and said to me; "You wanted both black and pinto beans right?". I said "yes but I never told you that".
Looking at me with a bewildered face, I pointed to my temple with a grin and said, "you must have received that information some other way". He chuckled and went on helping other people and will probably never entertain that fleeting thought again, that is unless he does it to someone else who is in awareness and has the courage to tell him.
Telepathic communication happens all the time but most of our waking day is spent in an unconscious zombie like waking state. We are either unaware of it when it happens or are convinced by our egos (belief systems) that we said something when we didn't because that is "the only logical explanation", right?
On a recent trip to Chipotle for lunch I experienced a telepathic moment with the server behind the glass sneeze-guard. When ordering, the guy behind the counter got distracted right before he was getting ready to dip the spoon into the beans. I was just about ready to tell him that I wanted both black AND pinto beans which is not necessarily unusual but it is not the more common choice either. After doing the other task that distracted him from finishing my order he came back and said to me; "You wanted both black and pinto beans right?". I said "yes but I never told you that".
Looking at me with a bewildered face, I pointed to my temple with a grin and said, "you must have received that information some other way". He chuckled and went on helping other people and will probably never entertain that fleeting thought again, that is unless he does it to someone else who is in awareness and has the courage to tell him.
The more you acknowledge your intuitive experiences when they happen, the more belief we have and then the more frequent these moments occur.
I have noticed my own telepathic communication happen more and more as my belief in synchronicity increased. Synchronicity is described as God (consciousness) answering your prayers or manifesting your thoughts. Over a period of 5 years the amount of synchronicity I would experience grew as belief, trust, and faith grew. At first I would have maybe one or two synchronous events a month but the more I saw this happen, the more I believed and trusted that the universe will bring me everything I need to fulfill my highest excitement without having to worry about the future. Now, 5 years later, I see and notice synchronistic events happen at least 5 times a day if not more and every time I acknowledge it with gratitude, love, and excitement. That's the most important part is that we must acknowledge it so that our minds believe it and then our thought patterns align to create more of it.
Had the Chipotle employee been in awareness; he might have acknowledged the moment at which he received the telepathic message. This then would have increased his belief that he actually had the capability to receive telepathic communication.
I have noticed my own telepathic communication happen more and more as my belief in synchronicity increased. Synchronicity is described as God (consciousness) answering your prayers or manifesting your thoughts. Over a period of 5 years the amount of synchronicity I would experience grew as belief, trust, and faith grew. At first I would have maybe one or two synchronous events a month but the more I saw this happen, the more I believed and trusted that the universe will bring me everything I need to fulfill my highest excitement without having to worry about the future. Now, 5 years later, I see and notice synchronistic events happen at least 5 times a day if not more and every time I acknowledge it with gratitude, love, and excitement. That's the most important part is that we must acknowledge it so that our minds believe it and then our thought patterns align to create more of it.
Had the Chipotle employee been in awareness; he might have acknowledged the moment at which he received the telepathic message. This then would have increased his belief that he actually had the capability to receive telepathic communication.
The more you acknowledge your intuitive experiences when they happen, the more belief we have and then the more frequent these moments occur. This is the main motivation for teaching yourself to be in awareness. To become aware that you are not your mind and your body. That you are the consciousness that is aware of the mind and the body. Until you begin to understand and practice having this thought throughout your waking day, you will keep going through life as a zombie. Instead of changing the world around you to better suit your experience; the world is happening to you, and you are victim of it.
Since this employee was extremely busy and trying to multitask he was in a state of unconsciousness and unawareness, a zombie just going through the robotic motions of his job. In an interesting twist though, it was the fact that he was doing this monotonous task, which is actually a form of mediation, that allowed him to receive the telepathic communication.
Normally we are thinking so much we block out receiving any of this kind of communication. It's there, it just gets mixed in with all your other thoughts and until you learn to distinguish your Higher Self from your ego, they are all just thoughts you believe you created. However, because he was not in awareness that he is not his body and mind, he is probably convinced that I actually did say the order and that maybe I forget thanks to his ego.
Nope, I know this because I practice being in awareness when I walk into restaurants and such, especially when I am alone. I was completely aware that I did not say the order. The other interesting aspect about this event was that this was the second time this happened at Chipotle.
Nope, I know this because I practice being in awareness when I walk into restaurants and such, especially when I am alone. I was completely aware that I did not say the order. The other interesting aspect about this event was that this was the second time this happened at Chipotle.
Perfect Conditions for Telepathy
This is not the first time the telepathic order receiving phenomena has occurred. I have journaled at least two other instances. I have several theories about this but in summary I think it boils down to the perfect conditions for telepathic communication, albeit unconsciously.
First, because of the nature of the their monotonous work at Chipotle, doing the same task over and over can put them in a type of meditative state. Meditation isn't necessarily about achieving a state of no thought. Sometimes it's just focusing on a task over and over; an easy one like serving beans to someone. This becomes so ingrained in your conscious mind that you could easily check out for a moment and your body and mind will just take over almost like executing a program on your computer and then changing your awareness to another program while the previous program runs in the background. This then creates a space for thoughts to stream or flow into your awareness from the energetic field that connects all of us.
This happens sometimes when we are drive our cars and later realize we can't remember driving the last 15 min. It is also what some sports figures call being in the zone where they have achieved knowledge of a skill so well that they are able to let their brain and body take over the task so that they can go into a higher state of consciousness and tap into the Higher Self.
This is not the first time the telepathic order receiving phenomena has occurred. I have journaled at least two other instances. I have several theories about this but in summary I think it boils down to the perfect conditions for telepathic communication, albeit unconsciously.
First, because of the nature of the their monotonous work at Chipotle, doing the same task over and over can put them in a type of meditative state. Meditation isn't necessarily about achieving a state of no thought. Sometimes it's just focusing on a task over and over; an easy one like serving beans to someone. This becomes so ingrained in your conscious mind that you could easily check out for a moment and your body and mind will just take over almost like executing a program on your computer and then changing your awareness to another program while the previous program runs in the background. This then creates a space for thoughts to stream or flow into your awareness from the energetic field that connects all of us.
This happens sometimes when we are drive our cars and later realize we can't remember driving the last 15 min. It is also what some sports figures call being in the zone where they have achieved knowledge of a skill so well that they are able to let their brain and body take over the task so that they can go into a higher state of consciousness and tap into the Higher Self.
You are the awareness that is aware of the awareness
At this point your mind and Higher Self are now co-creating that event or task so that one's body and mind are throwing an object, for example, and their consciousness (Higher Self) is altering reality at the same time. Witnessing someone in the zone would give the impression that they possess almost superhuman capabilities. This type of co-creation can only be done by allowing the mind to step aside and letting go of the desire to control the event. It is something that is not inherently part of our programming. It's also something that can be easily taught over a short period of time.
Secondly, the sender of the message was in awareness and in an expanded energy state, meaning that because of my training of being in a state of awareness, the signal is amplified because it's as if I am radio receiver listening for incoming signals. When we hear a signal of interest, we can then tune into it or put our focus on it in order to further process it and determine it's value to our life's experience.
Secondly, the sender of the message was in awareness and in an expanded energy state, meaning that because of my training of being in a state of awareness, the signal is amplified because it's as if I am radio receiver listening for incoming signals. When we hear a signal of interest, we can then tune into it or put our focus on it in order to further process it and determine it's value to our life's experience.
Thirdly, generally speaking most of the people that work at Chipotle, work there because they can't work anywhere else with their tattoos, nose rings, or pink hair. These people are creatives and creatives are normally a little more tapped into that stream of consciousness than other folks because creativity and imagination ARE the stream. The stream is that part of us that is aware of our connection to all other beings.
"Awareness is the power that is concealed within the present moment." ~ Eckhart Tolle #awareness #power #now
— Mindfulness Training (@TrainingMindful) October 3, 2016
Now they might not be aware that this stream is actually separate from their body and mind but it is. One way to look at enlightenment is that it is the moment you become aware of that stream of consciousness and recognize that you are the awareness that is aware of the awareness. In a less mind blowing description, you are consciousness that is aware of the thoughts that your mind creates.
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Matthew Marnitz
Matthew Marnitz